In light of the social distancing and self isolation that's happening in relation to this pandemic that has yet to hit our area, I feel there isn't much I am able to do for our members. I fear that this situation will last much longer than the original shut down recommendations suggested. There isn't much I can do to help our members at home. We have no online program to follow or classes to stream. But I can do this: I will share my BeachBodyOnDemand login information with current members so they may access videos at home and continue to pursue health, wellness, strength and possibly some peace of mind. Message me here or send a text or email and I will send the information. Again, my sincerest apologies. I have not forgotten you, my members, and miss you all very much. The gym seems a deserted shell of memories where sweat, swearing and laughter used to abound. Trust me when I say, as soon as I get clearance to reopen, we will welcome you back with open arms!!